Mitch Redmond - UX/CX/Product Design
Helping brands and teams engage, empower, expand, and evolve.

Verizon Fuze BOM

Verizon's Fuze BOM (Bill of Materials) is a procurement tool for acquiring and shipping the necessary hardware and software components for Verizon towers, including servers, networking devices, software licenses, and specifications for performance and compatibility, ensuring users have everything needed for effective deployment and operation.

Design system creation and enhancement
Phone and tablet compatibility
Branding and style guide design
User experience research and testing
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Verizon's Echo Mobile

Verizon is thinking ahead. Not only responding to issues but taking measures to predict and prevent them. This puts that power in the palm of your hand.

Design system creation and enhancement
Phone and tablet compatibility
User experience and product design
User experience research and testing
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PicMe Crowdsourcing Photo Sharing App

PicMe is a great app that allows people to collect photos from others at shared events. Explore the lessons learned with this experience.

Design system creation and enhancement
Phone and tablet compatibility
Branding and style guide design
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Universal Studios Rejuvination Exploration

I joined a great team of people and accepted the challenge to not only renew the Universal Studios Parks & Resorts customer-facing website and onboarding experience, but we documented every last detail, down to the spacing between every elements.

Design system creation and enhancement
Phone and tablet compatibility
Branding and style guide design
User experience and product design
User testing and prototype creation
User experience research and analysis
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TrackLynk Logo and Branding Extravaganza

Simple yet elegant design combining industrial-esque forms and those of nature into a symbolic monogram. I think it's pretty swell.

Design system creation and enhancement
Branding and style guide design
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